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Explore our Timetables
Find the departure and arrival times of every journey on our network
Our digital timetables
Planning ahead for your journey is always a good idea, that’s why we created our interactive timetables so you can find all the info you need for going to and from your destination with ease.
Using our digital timetables you can:
- Search between locations
- Find departure and arrival information
- Be confident all information is up-to-date and accurate
- View and print PDF timetables
- Share timetables via social media
- View timetables by date
How to use our timetable finder
Please use the steps below to find the timetable for your journey.
Step 1
1. Enter your start location
2. Enter your destination
3. Select your date of travel
4. Click the green button for your timetable
5. You can view a full list of our timetables
Step 2
1. Clicking the service number will launch a new page allowing you to view the timetable specific to that service.
2. You can share this page with your friends and family through social media.
Step 3
1. You can find stop descriptions for all the calling points in this column.
2. Times indicate arrival and departure into/from stops. At the bottom of the page, you will find a key for the abbreviations used.
Step 4
1. Once you're ready to purchase click 'Book tickets'.
2. Click 'Export PDF' to download your timetable.